Muse - Panic Station
Moikka taas c:
Viime viikko on ollu mulla tosi kiireinen. Lauantaina Sofia ja muut siis lähti takas Göteborgiin, ja meillä kotona mulla taas alko kokeisiin lukeminen, läksyjen tekeminen ja tavaroiden pakkaaminen. Viime viikolla mulla nimittäin oli kolme eri koetta, ja keskiviikkona sit muutettiin tänne keskustaan.
Muutto tosin tapahtu mun koulupäivän aikana, joten ei siitä tullu kauheeta stressiä. Eikä menny ees kauaa, ehkä muutama päivä, kun saatiin viimesetkin taulut ja yövalot sun muut paikalleen. Tykkään tosi paljon mun uuesta huoneesta (tai siis jaan sen pikkusiskon kans, mut anyway), paljon enemmän kun siitä vanhasta.
// Hello again c:
Last week has been quite busy. On Saturday Sofia and others headed back to Gothenburg, and at home I started to study for my tests, do my undone homework and pack all my stuff. You see, last week I had three different exams and on Wednesday we moved to city center. Although the moving took place during the school day, so I didn't start to horribly stress about it. And it only took for a few days to our new home to be ready, including all the mirrors, pictures, posters and so on.
I love my new room (I share it with my little sister but anyway), much more than my old room.
// Hello again c:
Last week has been quite busy. On Saturday Sofia and others headed back to Gothenburg, and at home I started to study for my tests, do my undone homework and pack all my stuff. You see, last week I had three different exams and on Wednesday we moved to city center. Although the moving took place during the school day, so I didn't start to horribly stress about it. And it only took for a few days to our new home to be ready, including all the mirrors, pictures, posters and so on.
I love my new room (I share it with my little sister but anyway), much more than my old room.
Käytiin eilen ostaan mulle ja mun pikkusiskolle uuet kännykät. Vanha kännykkä oli ollu mulla vaan vähän yli vuoden, mutta se alko jo sekoilemaan ihan tosissaan. Nuo mun samsungin kännykät on jo muodostunu meiän kaveripiirin inside-vitsiksi, kun aina ne onnistuu iän myötä sammuilemaan itekseen. Kaiken huippu tällä kertaa kylläkin oli, että aina kun sen laitto takas päälle, akku oli pudonnu yhteen prosenttiin. :D Mutta siis, sain vihdoin uuden, eikä tää oo ees samsung vaan LG!
// Yesterday we bought a new phones for me and my lil' sister. I have had my old phone only for about an year, but still it started to live its own life. The Samsung phones I have had have formed themselves to my friends' inside jokes, 'cause always on the older age they manage to start turning off on themselves. To crown all, this time when I always turned it on again, the battery had dropped to one percent! :D But finally I got a new one, and the best thing is that this isn't even Samsung, but LG!
// Yesterday we bought a new phones for me and my lil' sister. I have had my old phone only for about an year, but still it started to live its own life. The Samsung phones I have had have formed themselves to my friends' inside jokes, 'cause always on the older age they manage to start turning off on themselves. To crown all, this time when I always turned it on again, the battery had dropped to one percent! :D But finally I got a new one, and the best thing is that this isn't even Samsung, but LG!
Ja hei, tänään alko täällä Oulussa hiihtoloma! Melkeen kaikki mun kaverit lähtee jonnekin... pelkään mun sosiaalisen elämän rippeiden puolesta.Tänäänkin heräsin vasta puoli yhen aikaan, ja oon sen jälkeen vaan tehny läksyjä, piirtäny ja dataillu. Hmm. No, ehkä joku tulee keskustaan kahville tuossa loppuviikosta. Someakin on tullu selailtua, mutta onneksi kavereihin saa yhteyttä whatsappilla ja snapchatilla.
// And hey, winter break started here in Oulu! My almost every friend has gone off to somewhere... and I fear for the remains of my social life. Today I woke up at 12:30pm, and after that I have only done my homework, drawn and browsed the internet. Hmm. Well, maybe next week someone wants to go and grab a coffee or something.
I have also scrolled through all the social medias, and thank god I can keep contact to my friends with whatsapp and snapchat.
// And hey, winter break started here in Oulu! My almost every friend has gone off to somewhere... and I fear for the remains of my social life. Today I woke up at 12:30pm, and after that I have only done my homework, drawn and browsed the internet. Hmm. Well, maybe next week someone wants to go and grab a coffee or something.
I have also scrolled through all the social medias, and thank god I can keep contact to my friends with whatsapp and snapchat.
Vaikka kaikki maholliset mediat tuputtaa sitä mekkoa, the Dress isolla D:llä vai millä nimellä sitä pitäis kutsua, niin silti mun mieleen on jääny ennemminkin Leonard Nimoyn kuolema. Kun mä nyt olen tällanen socially awkward nörttityttö (geek, ei nerd!), niin tykkään kyllä Star Trekistä tosi paljon. Erityisesti Spock on mun lempihahmo. Joten Live long and prosper, rest in peace.
// Although all media is full of the Dress (or what should I call it?), still all I can think about is Leonard Nimoy's death. Since I'm such a socially awkward geek girl, I like Star Trek very much. Particularly Spock is one of my favorite characters. So Live long and prosper, rest in peace.
// Although all media is full of the Dress (or what should I call it?), still all I can think about is Leonard Nimoy's death. Since I'm such a socially awkward geek girl, I like Star Trek very much. Particularly Spock is one of my favorite characters. So Live long and prosper, rest in peace.
Aivan, ja nörttiydestä kun nyt tuli puhe (edelleenki, geek), mun on pakko tunnustaa.... Oon aivan totaalisesti koukuttunu Danisnotonfire:n ja AmazingPhil:in videoihin. En tiiä mitä teen mun elämällä, mutta Phan on todellinen OTP.
Niinku sanoin että vietin puolet mun tästä päivästä piirtämällä, ette kyllä arvaa ketä piirsin. Mm-hm, mutta heart eyes Howell on vaan niin lskdfjlkj I can't even. Anteeks tää fangirlaus :D (ootteko nähny sitä Thinking Out Loud -tanssia BRITAwardsista??? Se oli liikaa mun sydämelle.)
Ja nyt kun alotin tunnustamisen, nii pakko myöntää että reboottasin mun ikivanhan twitter-tilin vaan sitä varten, että saan heti tietää millon noi kaks päivittää kanaviaan. Jep. Mut hei, piilomainontana tässä sanon, että jos jotakuta kiinnostaa mun satunnaiset tweettailut niin twitteristä mut siis löytää nimellä @tonyannu. Muissa someissa oon instagramissa @annuuu1 ja tumblrissa @endlessroar.
// And talking about geekiness, I have to confess... I am totally obsessed with Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil's videos. I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but Phan is totally my new OTP.
Like I said, I spent half of my day drawing, and I bet you can't guess what. Mm-hmm, but heart eyes Howell is just so lskdfjlkj I can't even. Sorry about the fangirling.. :D (have you guys seen the Thinking Out Loud -dance from Brit Awards??? It was way too much for my heart.)
And now as I started confessing, I have to admit that I rebooted my old Twitter account just to know when those two update their channels. Yep. But hey, just to advertise myself, if you are interested in my occasional tweeting, my account obviously is @tonyannu. You can also find me on instagram with @annuuu1 and on tumblr with @endlessroar.
// And talking about geekiness, I have to confess... I am totally obsessed with Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil's videos. I don't know what I'm doing with my life, but Phan is totally my new OTP.
Like I said, I spent half of my day drawing, and I bet you can't guess what. Mm-hmm, but heart eyes Howell is just so lskdfjlkj I can't even. Sorry about the fangirling.. :D (have you guys seen the Thinking Out Loud -dance from Brit Awards??? It was way too much for my heart.)
And now as I started confessing, I have to admit that I rebooted my old Twitter account just to know when those two update their channels. Yep. But hey, just to advertise myself, if you are interested in my occasional tweeting, my account obviously is @tonyannu. You can also find me on instagram with @annuuu1 and on tumblr with @endlessroar.
Eieiei, nyt menee liian sekavaksi. Nähään taas joskus.
// Oh no no no, this is starting to get too wibbly-wobbly. See you again.
// Oh no no no, this is starting to get too wibbly-wobbly. See you again.
- tonyannu
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