Sam Smith - I'm Not The Only One
Moikkamoi:) Puhuinki sillon edellisessä postauksesta siitä HVG -projektista, joka meillä on koululla ruotsalaisen Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet -lukion kanssa. En meinaa vieläkään uskoa, että se viikko kun ne ruotsalaiset oli täällä on jo ohi. Koko viikko meni niin nopeesti.
// Howdy! On the last scribble, I happened to talk about the HVG-project my school has with Swedish Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet -upper secondary school. I still can't quite believe it's over. Whole week went past so quickly!
// Howdy! On the last scribble, I happened to talk about the HVG-project my school has with Swedish Hvitfeldtska Gymnasiet -upper secondary school. I still can't quite believe it's over. Whole week went past so quickly!
Maanantaina, vaikka oltiin uintitunnin jälkeen tosi väsyneitä, oltiin kaikki tosi hyvällä tuulella. Myönnän että jännitti aika paljon, koska ruotsalaisten tuloon oli enää suunnilleen puoli tuntia. Meiän piti laittaa koulun ruokalaan kaikki valmiiksi, ja ehti tulla vähän kiirekin. Viimesiä tuoleja pukattiin pois tieltä, kun yhtäkkii joku huusi että ne tuli.
Jännitys alko vähetä aika nopeesti, kun huomattiin että nehän oliki ihan hyviä tyyppejä :D Syötiin, esiteltiin yhessä paikkoja meiän koululla, ja yhtäkkii kello olikin jo jotain neljä iltapäivällä.
Koska oli projektiviikon ensimmäinen päivä, haluttiin tehä yhessä jotain ja samalla tutustua paremmin. Sofia, joka yöpy mun luona, oli tosi mukava. Yhessä sen, Julian, ja Julian luona yöpyvän Agnesin kanssa mentiin Zeppeliiniin, jossa tavattiin sit muutkin ryhmäläiset. Niin isolla porukalla oleminen on hankalaa, ja lopulta päädyttiinki vallottamaan mäkkäri.
// On Monday, even though we were all exhausted after the swimming lesson, we were on so good mood! I admit that I was pretty excited, for the Swedish students had only about half an hour to arrive. We had to get everything ready to our school canteen and we were in a bit of a hurry. We were just pushing the last chairs away when someone yelled that they were here.
The thrill started to disappear when we noticed they were actually great people. :D We ate, showed them around the school and suddenly it was already like 4 pm.
As it was the first day of this project, we all wanted to do something together while getting to know each other better. Sofia, the girl who stayed at my place for a week, was so nice! With Sofia, Julia and Agnes (who stayed at Julia's) we went to the nearby mall called Zeppelin. There we met all the other students who were in this project. With a group so big (about 30 teens?) it was quite hard to get a place to hang out, and eventually we ended up taking over the McDonald's.
// On Monday, even though we were all exhausted after the swimming lesson, we were on so good mood! I admit that I was pretty excited, for the Swedish students had only about half an hour to arrive. We had to get everything ready to our school canteen and we were in a bit of a hurry. We were just pushing the last chairs away when someone yelled that they were here.
The thrill started to disappear when we noticed they were actually great people. :D We ate, showed them around the school and suddenly it was already like 4 pm.
As it was the first day of this project, we all wanted to do something together while getting to know each other better. Sofia, the girl who stayed at my place for a week, was so nice! With Sofia, Julia and Agnes (who stayed at Julia's) we went to the nearby mall called Zeppelin. There we met all the other students who were in this project. With a group so big (about 30 teens?) it was quite hard to get a place to hang out, and eventually we ended up taking over the McDonald's.
Vaikka me ei sillon tutustuttukaan kunnolla kaikkiin, mulla ainakin oli tosi mukavaa.
// Even though we didn't know each other so well, I had really truly good time.
// Even though we didn't know each other so well, I had really truly good time.
Tiistaina alko ihan kunnolla meidän viikon ohjelma. Oltiin muutama ensimmäinen oppitunti koululla, ja syötiin siellä lounaskin. En ollukaan ajatellu, että myös Ruotsissa on laskiaspullia? Ja Sofiakin sano ettei tienny, että niitä on muualla kun Ruotsissa.
Käytiin yhessä Tietomaassa, ja oli hauskaa nähä miten fiiliksissä ruotsalaiset oli esimerkiksi siitä pyörivästä kuusta. Onhan se ihan hauska.
Kuitenki Sharks -elokuva oli vähän pettymys. Siinä näytettiin merikilpikonnaa enemmän ku haita, ja lisäksi puhe oli vaan suomen kielellä eikä ollenkaan mitään tekstejä. Eipä ne tietenkään siitä mitään ymmärtäny, paitsi Mona joka osaa suomea. Mutta sit kun niitä haita näky, nii oli ne kyllä hienoja :D
// On Tuesday our week's program truly started. First we attended for a few lessons and ate lunch at school. I didn't know Sweden too had shrove buns? Sofia said she didn't know that Finland had them. :D
We went together to Tietomaa, and it was amusing to see how Swedes were so excited of the small things, like the rolling moon simulator thingy. It was fun, really.
However the Sharks movie was a bit of a disappointment. It showed more sea turtles than sharks, believe me. And the narrator spoke only in Finnish with no subtitles. Surely Swedes understood nothing, expect for Mona who could speak Finnish quite well. But when they finally showed us some sharks, I have to admit that they were amazing. :D
// On Tuesday our week's program truly started. First we attended for a few lessons and ate lunch at school. I didn't know Sweden too had shrove buns? Sofia said she didn't know that Finland had them. :D
We went together to Tietomaa, and it was amusing to see how Swedes were so excited of the small things, like the rolling moon simulator thingy. It was fun, really.
However the Sharks movie was a bit of a disappointment. It showed more sea turtles than sharks, believe me. And the narrator spoke only in Finnish with no subtitles. Surely Swedes understood nothing, expect for Mona who could speak Finnish quite well. But when they finally showed us some sharks, I have to admit that they were amazing. :D
Will Sparks Ft. Wiley & Elen Levon - Ah Yeah So What
Keskiviikkona minä ja kaks muuta suomalaista käytiin ruotsalaisten kanssa Oulun Lyseolla. Koska Hvitfeldtska on lukio, meiän ohjelmaan kuulu nähä suomalaistakin lukiota. Lyseon kemian opettaja päätti pitää tuntinsa englanniksi ihan meitä varten.
Lyskan vierailun jälkeen nää turistit halus käydä elokuvissa, joten näytettiin niille reiti Finnkinolle, ootettiin että ne osti liput Night at the Museum -leffaan, ja mentiin sit kolmestaan Biskettiin kahville (tai siis join kylläkin teetä, mutta anyway). En tiiä miten, mutta siellä saatiin vietettyä aikaa kaks tuntia!
Elokuvan ja pitkäksi venyneen kahvi-teehetken jälkeen käveltiin ympäri keskustaa, käytiin Kauppahallissa, Toripolliisin luona ja muutenki torinrannassa kävelemässä. Neljältä meillä oli suljettu tilaisuus M6 Dining -ruokapaikassa.
// On Wednesday me and two other Finns went to Lyseo which is a high school in Oulu. Because Hvitfeldtska is a high school too, our program included familiarizing Finnish one. When we were there, chemistry teacher decided to keep his lesson fully in English, just for us.
After the visit in Lyseo those tourists wanted to go to movies. So we showed them a way to Finnkino, waited for them to buy tickets to Night at the Museum, and then the three of us went to have a coffee at Cafe Bisketti (I actually had tea but anyway). I don't know how, but we spent two hours in there!
After the movie and way too long coffee-tea-moment we circled around the city, visited places like Kauppahalli and Toripolliisi and strolled through the town square. At 4 pm we had arranged meeting at M6 Dining.
// On Wednesday me and two other Finns went to Lyseo which is a high school in Oulu. Because Hvitfeldtska is a high school too, our program included familiarizing Finnish one. When we were there, chemistry teacher decided to keep his lesson fully in English, just for us.
After the visit in Lyseo those tourists wanted to go to movies. So we showed them a way to Finnkino, waited for them to buy tickets to Night at the Museum, and then the three of us went to have a coffee at Cafe Bisketti (I actually had tea but anyway). I don't know how, but we spent two hours in there!
After the movie and way too long coffee-tea-moment we circled around the city, visited places like Kauppahalli and Toripolliisi and strolled through the town square. At 4 pm we had arranged meeting at M6 Dining.
Ilta me vietettiin Oonan luona, ja just ja just mahuttiin kaikki niiden olohuoneeseen. Mutta meitä kyllä onkin se 30, joten ei ihme että teki tiukkaa...
Pelattiin tyynyrallia suomi vs. ruotsi (me hävittiin kahesti, hehe........) ja rikkinäistä puhelinta sekä ruotsiksi, suomeksi että enkuksi. Ruotsalaisille teki tiukka lausua sana juoksentelisinkohan, mutta meille näsborre ei onneksi ollu ihan mahoton. Huvittavaa oli, kun "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if woodchuck could chuck wood" muuttu kolmenkymmenen kuiskauksen jälkeen tosi lyhyeksi ja tosi oudoksi.
// That evening we hung out at Oona's and barely fitted to her lounge. But there was like 30 of us, so no wonder if it was hard to find place for all...
We played the pillow race Finland versus Sweden (we lost twice, heh-heh.........) and chinese whispers in Finnish, Swedish and English. For Swedes it was quite hard to pronounce word juoksentelisinkohan but for us näsbörre wasn't that impossible. Amusing was when "how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if wood chuck could chuck wood" turned after thirty whispers to something very short and very odd.
// That evening we hung out at Oona's and barely fitted to her lounge. But there was like 30 of us, so no wonder if it was hard to find place for all...
We played the pillow race Finland versus Sweden (we lost twice, heh-heh.........) and chinese whispers in Finnish, Swedish and English. For Swedes it was quite hard to pronounce word juoksentelisinkohan but for us näsbörre wasn't that impossible. Amusing was when "how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if wood chuck could chuck wood" turned after thirty whispers to something very short and very odd.
Torstaiaamuna alko jo tuntua siltä, että miten tää viikko on menny näin nopeesti. Ajettiin bussilla Kiiminkiin ja käytiin Capu Safarilla. Tän piti olla koko viikon kohokohta, tai ainakin niin olin ymmärtäny. Kuitenkaan se ei ollu yhtään sellanen mitä odotettiin, vaikka oli siellä ihan kivaa myös.
// On Thursday morning we started to wonder how this week had gone so fast!We drove to Kiiminki by bus and visited Capu Safari. It should have been the highlight of this week, or so I had understood it. Although it wasn't even near what we had expected, we still had a good time.
Ajettiin traktorilla ja mönkijällä, oltiin lumisotaa, syötiin ja saunottiin. Ja lisäksi siellä oli sellanen kilpailu mitä en oo nähny koskaan ennen missään muualla.
Meille kiinnitetiin valjaat, ja piti kasata mahollisimman monta muovilaatikkoa päällekäin samalla, kun istuttiin niiden päällä. En ymmärrä mistä ihmeestä sellanen idea on lähtösin, mutta oli se aika mielenkiintosta. Siinä kun istu kymmenisen metrin korkeudessa kapeen tornin huipulla ja yritti olla kaatumatta, tuli kyllä vähän paineita.
// We got to try driving tractors and kind of a crawlers, we had world war three as a snowball fight, we ate and we had a sauna. And on top of that, there was this new kind of competition what I had never seen before.
We got these harness kind of ropes on us and we had to build a tower using blue plastic crates while we sat on top of them. I can't understand what kind of person would come off with something like that, but it was interesting. When you sat there on top of like 10 meters high narrow tower trying not to fall over, well, you could feel the pressure.
Torstai-iltana päästiin vielä koulun saliin pelaamaan. Pelattiin koripalloa, jalkapalloa ja sählyä. Tottakai suomi vs. ruotsi taas, vaikka en kyllä tiiä olikohan se ihan hyvä idea :D Ei oltu kovin isänmaanylpeys, kun hävittiin joka ikinen peli paitsi sähly. Jopa keskiviikon tyynyralli!
// On Thursday evening we got to go to school's gym. We played basketball, soccer and floorball. Of course Finland versus Sweden again, I don't know if that was a good idea though. :D We weren't much pride to our home country when we lost every other game expect the floorball. Even the pillow race on Wednesday!
Perjantai tuli kauheen nopeesti, ja alko olla jo haikeet fiilikset.
// Friday came awfully fast and our feelings started to be quite melancholic.
// Friday came awfully fast and our feelings started to be quite melancholic.
Aamulla lähettiin Kemin lumilinnaan, ja se oli varmasti huikee kokemus ruotsalaisille. Göteborgissa ei kuulemma oo paljoakaan lunta, joten olihan tää vähän erilaista. Tänä vuonna tota lunta kun on ollu aika reilusti. Bussimatka pois kemistä oli suurimmaksi osaksi illan ohjelman suunnittelua, mutta loppua kohti kaikki väsähti. Kotona ollessa hoksasin, että Pilvi oli laittanu mulle snapchatissa tällasen kuvan.
// In the morning we headed to the Kemi's snow castle, and I'm sure it was an amazing experience for the Swedes. In Gothenburg there isn't much snow, so it was a large difference since this year there has actually been loads of snow in here. The bus ride back home went past mostly planning the upcoming night, but during the end of the journey everyone just kind of drooped. When we got home, I noticed that Pilvi had sent me this picture on snapchat (It says 'sleeping trolls').
Perjantai päivä meni ihan yhtä nopeesti kun koko muukin viikko oli menny, ja kohta oli jo ilta. Mentiin kuuelta koululle läksiäisjuhliin, tehtiin pitsaa köksänluokassa, syötiin karkkia ja sellasta. Vähän myöhemmin me katottiin opettajan ottamat kuvat koko viikolta, pelattiin venytystä ja tuolileikkiä ja kuunneltiin musiikkia.
Kymmeneltä meiän piti lähtä pois koululta hälytysten takia, ja jatkettiin iltaa Nean luona. Tää ilta oli ollu ehkä paras koko viikolla, ja alko jo tuntuu siltä ettei haluu vielä päästää noita lähteen.
// Friday day went as fast as the whole week had gone, and soon it was evening already. At 6 pm we got to school to farewell party. We made pizza in the home economics class, ate sweets and such. A bit later we watched the photos our teacher had taken during the week, played stretching and musical chairs and listened to music.
At 10 pm we had to leave the school so we continued the night at Nea's. This night had been the best night of the week, and I started to feel like not letting them to go just yet.
// Friday day went as fast as the whole week had gone, and soon it was evening already. At 6 pm we got to school to farewell party. We made pizza in the home economics class, ate sweets and such. A bit later we watched the photos our teacher had taken during the week, played stretching and musical chairs and listened to music.
At 10 pm we had to leave the school so we continued the night at Nea's. This night had been the best night of the week, and I started to feel like not letting them to go just yet.
Joskus puol yhen aikaan vetäydyttiin Sofian kanssa takas meille, ja saatiin jopa nukkuaki muutama tunti. Nimittäin lento Göteborgiin lähti kuuelta aamulla, ja lentokentällä piti olla vähän ennen viittä. Herättiin neljältä, syötiin vähän aamupalaa ja mentiin sit kentälle. Siellä tavattiin vielä muutkin, halailtiin ja hyvästeltiin ja sit kaikki lähti takas kotiinsa nukkumaan.
// Somewhere around 0:30 am we headed back to my place with Sofia, and we even had a few hours to sleep. You see, the flight back to Gothenburg would take off at 6 am, so we had to be at the airport before five. We woke up at 4 am, ate some breakfast and went to the airport. That was where we met the others, we hugged and said goodbyes and after that everybody just went back home to sleep.
Meiän vuoro mennä niiden luokse on siis toukokuun lopussa, ihan viimesellä kouluviikolla. Sofian ja Agnesin mukaan se on kaikista kauneinta aikaa siellä, ja ootan sitä innolla. Toivottavasti on tosi lämmin, koska käyään kuulemma Lisebergissä, joka on Skandinavian suurin huvipuisto! Sitä ootellessa.
// Our turn to go to them is in the end of May, at the very last school week before summer vacation. According to Sofia and Agnes May is the most beautiful time to be in there, so I'm really looking forward to it! I hope it will be warm because reputedly we will visit Liseberg, which is Scandinavia's biggest amusement park! Really, really excited about that.
// Our turn to go to them is in the end of May, at the very last school week before summer vacation. According to Sofia and Agnes May is the most beautiful time to be in there, so I'm really looking forward to it! I hope it will be warm because reputedly we will visit Liseberg, which is Scandinavia's biggest amusement park! Really, really excited about that.
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